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Our Coaches

Who We Are


Cher Olivos


I'm Cher, an Los Angeles native and owner of BeBalanced in Southern CA. After losing my mother-in-law to breast cancer and struggling as a new mother, I started my journey of looking into women's health issues. I hated that my mother-in-law passed away so young at 62 years old. But so many of my friends' mothers were also passing away and/or had been diagnosed with breast cancer and other health issues. I figured there had to be something more to this other than genetics or bad luck. I then found out about BeBalanced and learned that hormone imbalances causes so many women's (and men's) health issues. It made so much sense. 


When I followed the BeBalanced program, I went from 175 lbs to 158 lbs in one month. Plus, my skin, mood, and sleep dramatically improved! During my second round of weight loss, I learned I was pregnant! 


Naturally balancing my hormones has changed my life and now it's my life mission is to help others improve and lengthen their quality of life using feasible, holistic, and natural methods. I'm is excited to share my story and educate others in how balancing hormones can change their lives. 


Saundra Solomon

Wellness Coach

Saundra has been in the nutrition field for 7 years with the desire to help clients adopt a healthy, sustainable diet that supports their overall health and wellbeing. Saundra’s love for nutrition and healthy supplements started as she was raising her five great kids. Once the kids were grown, she returned to the work force determined to pursue a career in nutrition. Employed by a major health care provider, Saundra supervised the dietary management team, caring for the specific requirements of individuals with challenging health concerns and needs.


Saundra also studied Holistic Nutrition at Nutrition Therapy Institute. The course work included the impact of diet on health as well as the psychology and benefit of lifestyle coaching. Upon completion she branched into the nutritional coaching field to assist people with weight loss and healthy lifestyle changes. Saundra enthusiastically supports the BeBalanced philosophy and program as it closely aligns with her core beliefs around whole food nutrition and health. She is well prepared and motivated in assisting clients on their journey to renewed health and wellness.


Desirey Abbs

Wellness Coach

I'm Desirey, a passionate health enthusiast who believes in the power of holistic health. I proudly graduated from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition and have been practicing as an integrative nutrition health coach for about three years now. My journey into the world of wellness has been fueled by an insatiable curiosity about nutrition; I genuinely love to research and nerd out on the topic.


I'm originally from Colorado, but have called Los Angeles my home for nearly a decade now. In addition to my professional endeavors, my heart belongs to my husband, Garrett, and my little one, Bear, who is undoubtedly the sweetest boy! Becoming a mother has opened my eyes to the importance of taking care of our hormones and healing from the inside out. I am thrilled to embark on a new chapter with BeBalanced Natural Weight Loss Centers and am excited to see where this incredible opportunity takes me. As your wellness coach, I am dedicated to helping you succeed and win at every stage, ultimately finding your personal balance to live a happier and healthier life. Here's to a journey of well-being and discovering the best version of ourselves! 

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